blog 1SE

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12 Responses to blog 1SE

  1. harih says:

    Great work you did about fair trade

  2. harih says:

    why don’t they get enough money

  3. mudar1 says:

    I liked the way you set it out and the way you started it.
    How do you think we can help fair trade famers and the company.
    You can add more exciting pictures and don’t make the sentences long.

    By Ruwayda [:

    • eljas says:

      thank you for sending improvements everyone even hanny who does not add a question after I tell him to
      THANK YOU!!!!

  4. mudar1 says:

    October 16, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    I liked the way you set it out and the way you started it.
    How do you think we can help fair trade famers and the company.
    You can add more exciting pictures and don’t make the sentences long.

    By Ruwayda [:

  5. saber says:

    sara this is a good thing for me and it helps me learn all about Fair trade. how long did this take and where did u get the information. you should check your spellings.

  6. harih says:

    you can improve on more writing

  7. sheim says:

    I like how you interduesed the reader
    you can add more information to what you are talking about
    what are the farmers doing

  8. stacg says:

    I love how you explained Fairtrade more deeply.
    How do they support farmers with their children ?
    You can improve by including more detail with brackets.

  9. mahan says:

    nice letter from nehaan

  10. vayde says:

    nice work haha

  11. aliy says:

    Sara this helps me learn so much more about fairtrade. after reading this I almost fell of my chair laughing. This is really amazing. I really love how you set it up. although you could improve this by adding a bit higher levelled vocabulary.

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