The Roman Civilisation

What have we learnt about the Romans so far?

Can you use the internet to find out anything else?

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23 Responses to The Roman Civilisation

  1. thomq says:

    I have learnt that the Romans is that the first place they ruled was Rome in Italy because it was surrounded by a many land city’s and kingdoms which gave the Romans a better advantage to rule all the lands on top of there own

  2. appis says:

    I have learnt that an amphitheatre is used to entertain the romans as people attempt to fight a bull

  3. holnj says:

    I’ve learnt that romans conquered euroup, the whole of Italy and Spain also they used different numbers than us.

  4. thomq says:

    What i have learnt about the Romans is that the first place they ruled was Rome in Italy because it was surrounded by a many land city’s and kingdoms which gave the Romans a better advantage to rule all the lands on top of there own

  5. taslr says:

    what i learned from ROME………….that the Romans 🙂 actually made Rome in the country , Italy i cant believe that they actually invaded the whole of Europe. they used their hard work making Rome they finally finished :0 could you believe it. let me show your my roman numerals up to 20. I II III IV V VI VII VII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX

  6. awanz says:

    I have learnt so much! A long time ago the Romans used strange numbers called” Roman numerals”. Here is an example of one… MDCXXI (which is 1621)

  7. awanz says:

    Amphitheatres were made to entertain and have battles in!

  8. holnj says:

    they went to Italy first because it was surrounded by a lot of countries so they can get more land

  9. alanh says:

    The Roman numerals were the numbers Romans were using which they made up and not the numbers we use now.

  10. awanz says:

    I’m wondering as well Javari!

  11. browj says:

    I have learnt about that the Romans invaded Rome so they can get more land and conquer land they don’t use numbers that we use now the places that the Romans invaded was Estrucans Rome Hannibal and the EU/Britain Did you know that rome is in Italy also they had a better advantage because they were surrounded by land and water so know one can cross and

  12. browj says:

    I have learnt about that the Romans invaded Rome so they can get more land and conquer land they don’t use numbers that we use now the places that the Romans invaded was Estrucans Rome Hannibal and the EU/Britain Did you know that Rome is in Italy also they had a better advantage because they were surrounded by land and water so know one can cross

  13. mohaa4 says:

    The Romans did not have wifi back then. Also, they used Roman numerals eg I =1 II=2 III=3 IV=4 v=5. The Romans expanded their empire from Rome (made by Romulus) all the way to Europe.

  14. browj says:

    Did you know amphitheaters were made by the Romans

  15. taslr says:

    They went to Italy , Spain , North Africa and then Europe. thank you Miss Cantrell for being the best teacher 🙂

  16. guana says:

    I’ve learnt that the Romans were invading Europe and they stayed in Italy . I also learnt about the Roman Numerals . Here is an example of one (I II III IV V) .

  17. mihas2 says:

    I have learnt about the Romans and one fact about the Romans is that they invaded Rome.I think the Romans are selfish because when they got all the Rome they wanted more land so they went Europe.

  18. browj says:

    Did you know the Romans didn’t have wifi back then so they created toys and made games

  19. barim says:

    Do you want to know about the ROMANS that built Rome

  20. haruh says:

    They did not have wi-fi I and they invaded a country
    They had Roman numerals

    Rome was found by Romulus.Romules was the first of the seven Roman kings.The original name of rome was Roma.

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