Why is it important to keep your teeth clean?

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21 Responses to Why is it important to keep your teeth clean?

  1. holnj says:

    if you want to keep your teeth clean you cannot eat to much sugary snacks or food.your teeth wont be clean if you have drugs like coffee or cigar.did you know that people that drink 3 or more glasses of fizzy drinks has 62% tooth decay,fillings and tooth loss.(Healthy diet)

  2. khana1 says:

    you should keep your teeth clean because without your teeth you cant form the first stage of the digestive system . in fact when you are older you cannot get your teeth back if it falls out because adult teeth do not grow back and you will have a hole in your mouth forever. if you don’t look after your teeth you can get things like cavities (holes in your teeth,) gum disease (bleeding gums,) decay, bad breathe and yellow teeth. decay is when plaque (a bacteria which grows in your mouth) will feed on your teeth and they will soon destroy the whole tooth! this is why it is important to brush your teeth, because you will not be able to eat.

  3. buras says:

    What would happen if you don’t brush your teeth for a long time? Well you could get tooth decay for a start. Tooth decay , also known as dental caries or cavities , is a break down of teeth due to the acids made of bacteria . Next , your teeth could will fall out! This one is the worst! Your teeth will get yellow and your breath will stink ‘YUCK!’ This is what will happen if you don’t brush your teeth

  4. haruh says:

    When you eat junk food and then brush your teeth only one time a week, your teeth will still rot. How you need to treat your teeth is by eating healthy stuff and when I mean healthy I mean vegetables because fruits have some sugar and its good for your health but not for your teeth. Only eat food like chicken and chips not that often but mostly healthy food.Imagine you eat too much junk food and then one day you go to the dentist and they take all of your teeth out and then you cant eat any more unhealthy food.

  5. thomq says:


    As an human we should be brushing at least two minutes a day. If we do not brush our teeth we will end up with: decay, yellow teeth, gum decease, a hole will appear in your teeth and that’s all.


    .NO beer

    .NO drugs

    .NO alcohol

    THANK YOU!!!! QUANIECE@neptune class year 5

  6. krosa says:

    It is important to keep your teeth healthy so you don’t get toothache and bloody gums! Drinking a lot of fizzy drinks will dissolve your teeth. You can not get this by stopping drinking a lot of fizzy drinks and stop eating junk food. Brush twice a day and floss once a day.

  7. awanz says:

    It is important to keep your teeth clean and healthy because if you do not, it will turn into something disastrous. Too many sweets could lead to: extractions, decays, fillings, tooth aches and even cavities! Do you really want that to particularly happen to you? A way you can avoid that is having a balanced diet and brushing twice a day. If you have a bad tooth, put it in milk and it will make it feel at least better. You also need to keep fit and be scrubby teeth clean!

  8. osmay1 says:

    If you do not brush your teeth you will get tooth decay or cavity. Tooth decay is a damage to a tooth caused by dental plaque turning sugar into acid. If plaque is allowed to build up ,it can lead to problems such as: holes in your teeth(dental caries) and gum disease. Major causes of tooth decay are sugary sweets sticky foods and beverages. Not brushing your teeth, regularly allows plaque to build up and attack the tooth enamel. Plaque is caused when bacteria,acid food particles and saliva all combine in your mouth.

  9. andre says:

    Some ways to clean your teeth are flossing and brushing your teeth.

  10. browj says:

    If you eat so many sweets and junk food and not eating healthy and smoking that can cause gum disease and might be left with a cavitie or a filling in your teeth. It is important to brush your teeth because it can lead tooth decay and fillings sugary drinks are bad because it c an dissolve your teeth unhealthy food is bad like chips chicken. Visiting a dentist is good because you can go and clean your teeth or get a filling always go to the dentist every 6 months .Some ways of keeping your teeth clean is eating vegetables fruit.

  11. appis says:

    Some things in life ruin and harm your teeth such as alcohol, drugs, smoking, sugar, and even coffee! Keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth clean and healthy can prevent diseases and infection. Acids and poisons are made in the amalgam(plaque) so if you do not brush your teeth it could cause tooth decay, cavities and even extractions. Amalgam (plaque) is a dangerous substance that spreads onto your teeth . Using fluoride toothpaste helps to take off the amalgam. You should be brushing and flossing for at least 2 minutes!

  12. todom says:

    Did you know that children have 20 milk teeth however adults have 30 permanent teeth which they need to take really good care of? Food and bacteria stuck on your teeth can cause tooth decay. Plaque is always forming inside your mouth .The sticky substance is getting on your gums and your teeth.The plaque contains the bacteria that is on the sugars from the food we eat.When bacteria gets food, it makes acid.That acid can attack you teeth after you are done eating and over a long period it can attack your tooth.If you do not treat it in time ,the acid can go through all of the tooth’s layers .Do you really want that to happen?Dentists approve on brushing your teeth at least twice a day.It is good to go to regular dentist visits every 6 months.Yellow teeth can also make your breath stink.’YUCK!’

  13. thomq says:

    ayman made me sent the last one mrs Cantrell and everyone hes not listening

  14. khana1 says:

    you shouldn’t eat sugary food a lot, especially if you eat it every day, this can cause a lot of cavities . if you have rotten teeth you have to get extractoins which you get from the dentist. they put a special gas so you fall asleep to take out your teeth!

  15. holnj says:

    If you want to keep healthy teeth and gums you cannot eat to much sugary snacks or junk food.
    Did you know that people that drink 3 or more glasses of fizzy drinks has 62% tooth decay also fillings and tooth loss?(Healthy diet)


  16. guana says:

    I have learnt about that children have 28 teeth and adults have 32 teeth . I also learnt that there are tooth decay if you eat more sugary fruits like orange . Did you know that if your teeth falls out and if you pour cola or any other fizzy drinks your tooth might be broken . It is good to go to the dentist because regular dental visits are essentials for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums .

  17. darii1 says:

    you should brush your teeth every day.at least 2 times a day and it should take you two minutes to brush your teeth. Some food is healthy for you but bad for your teeth.

  18. buras says:

    So how do people keep their teeth clean? I am going to tell you how. You could use an electric tooth brush because it flicks off all the dirt left in your teeth. Next I recommend you to use a fluoride toothpaste and brush for two minutes twice a day I hope you know how to keep your teeth clean and healthy!

  19. mohaa4 says:

    It is important to brush your teeth because you will get acid. Also do not eat or drink beer drugs or sweets.

  20. oztua says:

    Tooth decay , is also known as dental caries or cavities , is a breakdown of teeth due to acids made by bacteria. Some ways to keep your teeth clean are eat vatable and brush your teeth twice a day. Some people think that brushing your teeth is hard but it is just two minutes and brushing your teeth is not for fun it is for your teeth to be healthy.

  21. pated1 says:

    Brushing your teeth is very important. You should always brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least, but if you don’t you will get plaque, rotten teeth, fillings, cavities, chemicals and bacteria. Always take an opoitment to the dentist for check up and cleaning and make sure that you keep your teeth clean because you dont want to get emmbaressed.

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