fairtrade zeynep

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20 Responses to fairtrade zeynep

  1. bensy says:

    1.I think your work was nice because you wrote key information in it.
    2.How do you think you can improve your work?
    3.You can improve your work by writing a counter argument.

  2. aziza says:

    Zeynep, I really liked your blog because it is really detailed and it has a lot of information.
    Can you make it a bit less shorter next time?
    The next time you make a blog, you can make it less complicated.

  3. tosuh says:

    1.Your sentence makes sense.
    2.Why did you write social instead of another word.
    3.You can improve your work by writing a counter-argument by huseyint.

  4. ramie says:

    1. Zeynep your work is fantastic! you include very specific facts about Fair trade
    2.what is going to happen to the pupils ?
    3.next time you need to write more about the pupils : what they receive to display in the school, what they can do to help the farmers and more……..

  5. bulba says:

    1.zeynep lke your paragraph
    2.next time write shorter
    3.The next time use adverbs and verbs .

  6. osuaj says:

    1. I like your work because it is very detailed.
    2. Next time write a shorter paragraph.
    3. the next time you write a blog you could add more punctuation.

  7. bulba says:

    1. I like your sentences
    2.make it shorter?

  8. dualh says:

    I like your because it nice

  9. bensy says:

    thanks for your reply zeynep!:)

  10. ermia says:


  11. geora says:

    Hi Zeynep, your work looks really nice and has lots of technical words related to fair trade. I think that next time you should try to add some pictures to make it eye-catching.

  12. rashn says:

    Great work!

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