1. I like your fact about FAIR TRADE because you include a reason in you sentence .
2.can you put more fact about the farmers.
3.Next time you can add more punctuation.
1.I like your post Mikolaj because you have include facts about FairTrade.
2.what food did they eat?
3.I suggest that you could give more deatailed sentences
1.i liked your work because you used interesting information.2. were did you learn all of these facts?3. you could use an exclamation mark.
thanks huda I send you a coment too
1. I like your fact about FAIR TRADE because you include a reason in you sentence .
2.can you put more fact about the farmers.
3.Next time you can add more punctuation.
I am gowing to write you a coment too
1. Mick I really liked what you wrote2. were did you get all these facts from? remember the full stop at the end of the of the blog.
thanks for writing a coment
1.I like your sentences this that is fair trade helps the envionment and farmers.
2.how long did it took you .
3.you need to add adverbs
thanks for writing a coment friend
thanks for writing
1.I like your post Mikolaj because you have include facts about FairTrade.
2.what food did they eat?
3.I suggest that you could give more deatailed sentences